A Short Story: Moving On By Diane Cook

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In “Moving On” Diane Cook creates an emotional wall in order to get through a loss. The female protagonist in the story creates a barrier that helps other people move on with their lives. In this situation the female loses her husband and is sent to an institution to be reprogrammed. When I lost both of my family pets at different times, my reaction to both of them was unalike any other. When someone loses an important person in their life they wind up with something or someone different to fill the void. At the beginning of the story the female protagonist had just lost her husband from sickness. After the death of the husband the woman is sent to the institution to be reprogrammed in order to forget and be ready for a new life again. When she first enters the institution she is given a picture of a man she does not know to replace her picture of her partner that was taken away. As the story unfolds, she spends more time in the widow shelter she learns more about how to be an even better housewife for her next partner. But while she is there she meets a man right across the yard from her window and they both start flirting with each other. Then someone in the institution told to them about the flirting and she is moved to the second floor. Over time she makes a new friend while on the second floor. She longs for her male friend she saw through her window in her old room. There was no hope of finding him and giving him the letters she had wrote for him. After a few more