
A Streetcar Named Desire Feminist Analysis

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Blanche is unable to prosper because since she lives in a patriarchal society, when she disrupts the Kowalski household, she is bound to fail. Blanche feels that since Stanley is Polish he is insufficient for Stella because of their standard of living and he is of lower class. Throughout the play, Blanche continuously picks out Stanley’s flaws and tries to get Stella to move on from him by saying things like: “you’re not old! You can get out” (Williams 74). Blanche wants to remind Stella that she does not need to stay with Stanley because she can still make her life with someone else. This plan ultimately fails for Blanche because Stella is too attached to Stanley so when he says, “it’s gonna be sweet when we can make noise in the night the way we used to and get the colored lights going with nobody’s sister behind …show more content…

Blanche loses in trying to disrupt the Kowalski household because in a patriarchal society the men always have the last say. Stanley is the king of his empire and no one is able to succeed in threatening it. Through Stella, Williams is able to show that women in Streetcar could never really be successful because of the forced that attracted them to men. From the beginning we learn the Stella is extremely dependent on Stanley and not just economically but sexually too. When Blanche arrives Stella tells her: “I can hardly stand it when he is away for a night… And when he comes back I cry on his lap like a baby” (Williams 19). Stella is showing how submissive she is to Stanley because he is able to fulfill all her desires and even when he makes mistakes, their sexual relationship

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