Streetcar Named Desire Color Analysis

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Color Symbolism
Scene 1
Dressed in all white in this scene. White is a symbol of purity and innocence, something Blanche clearly lacks.
Scene 2
The Gold dress and jewelry described in page 34 and 35, that Stanley raids from Blanches chest is described at a pirated loot. Stanly is comparing Balance to a pirate lmaooooooo
Scene 3
The silver Lighter in page 47 catches Blanche eye almost immediately as it is the first thing she notices about Mich.
Scene 5
The white dress Blanche Wears on her birthday is smeared when she spills some whiskey and blots it out. When she screamed about the spilled drink, you see that she doesn't want her pure act to fail from Mitch
Scene 9
In the Beginning of scene nine, (139) Blanche is found sitting on …show more content…

Gift from God
Blanche: White
Stella: Star All the characters’ names represent the deeper meaning within the novel. For example Stanley meaning a “Dweller near a stony clearing” could represent how he had to work for everything in his life and that the stones are blocking his path. It could also show his rough, emotionless and primal personality due to the stone figure in his name.
The Varsouviana polka music plays whenever Blanche is feeling remorse for Allen’s death. According to Blanche in Scene Nine, the music stops with the sound of a gunshot. Most likely a form of PTSD.
Blanche (White Collar): White Collar: Usually refers to a worker who doesn’t perform manual labor and dresses formally. “She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and earrings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if she was arriving at a summer tea or cocktail party in the garden district.” -White is a symbol of purity and innocence, something Blanche clearly lacks.
“She has a tragic radiance in her red satin robe following the sculptural lines of her body.’’ -Represents a loss of