
A Summary Of Eudora Welty's Worn Path

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A Discussion of Three Messages From Eudora Welty’s Worn Path
A worn path symbolizes exploration, ongoing determination and power. Eudora Welty was a woman who wrote stories about people living during the Great Depression. “During the Depression, Welty nearly became a professional photographer”(Barrett hathcock). In Welty’s Worn Path, a character named Phoenix Jackson encompases these three traits. As Albert Einstein States, “A person starts to live when he can live outside himself.” Phoenix is a perfect example of a woman living out of herself. This old, frail woman journeys through the woods to a town constantly to obtain medicine for her sick grandson. Welty is one of the most adored writers of her time, giving people literature that warms the heart. In Welty’s Worn Path, three messages can be derived. …show more content…

For example, on page 853, it states, “He ain’t scared of nobody. He a big black dog, Sic him!” In this point in the story, Phoenix is speaking with an young man, but she is tired of talking to him. Therefore, she signals his dog to chase after another one, just to get him out of her face. This is a prime example of Phoenix's’ rigidness and tough personality. She’s on a mission, therefore, she won’t let anything, or anyone get in her way.
Phoenix is named after the ancient powerful bird that never really dies; therefore, in Worn Path, Phoenix displays the powerful traits required to live a meaningful life. Page 850 states, “The path ran up a hill. ‘Seems like there is chains about my feet, time I get this far’ she said.” As Phoenix makes her journey, she encounters many obstacles, like this hill. She explains the struggle by stating that it feels like chains are tied to her feet, this can represent the struggle we face in life every day. But like Phoenix, we shouldn’t stop because in the end it will all be worth

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