A Summary Of Roosevelt's Attack On Pearl Harbor

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President Theodore Roosevelt after endorsing the Treaty of Potsmouth in 1905, ending the Japan-Russo War said. “We have what they want the Philippines". (PBS 2014)
On November 8th 1941 9 hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor General Douglas MacArthur a former Chairman, Joint Chief of Staff, World War I hero, and commander of the Philippines was unprepared, for the assault from Japan Resulting in the greatest military defeat in US history. Thirty-six years after the Treaty of Potsmouth Japan took the Philippines a territory of the United States by force. “A Day that will live in Infamy” President Roosevelt used those legendary words to characterize the attack on Pearl Harbor, in an address to the congress and the American people on …show more content…

By destroying the 7th fleet and the air force, there it would give the Empire 6 to 12 month’s freedom to conquer the south Pacific without the U. S Pacific fleet hindering their efforts.
The Japanese attacking forces arrived at Pearl Harbor 7:30 am Sunday morning. The attack lasted two hours. Eight battleships were damaged or sunk. However six of the eight battleships were later returned to service and partook in combat operations in World War Two. Japan destroyed 188 US aircraft; most were setting on the ground lined up to protect them from sabotage. (Americans killed 2,403 and 1,178 wounded.).Yet the attack was not a complete success. Aircraft carriers were out at sea.
The all-important aircraft carriers and their support ships were out to sea and were not attacked. In addition, the critically important, on shore workshops, oil storage, and logistics facilities would emerge from the attack almost untouched, facilitating the repair of ships. This would later prove to be a disaster for Japan. It would take 6 months for the US Navy to recover from the losses suffered in the vicious attack on Pearl Harbor. However it would be near the end of the war before the US recovered from the attacks and surrender of the …show more content…

Whitecomb, a B-17 navigator who witnessed the attacks on Clark Field said "Our generals and leadership committed one the greatest errors possible of military men and that of leader letting themselves be taken by surprise. That can only be exceeded by treason." (Days of Infamy n.d) Japan's attack on the Philippines was originally scheduled to commence at the same time as the attack on Pearl Harbor. However; the attack was delayed due to heavy fog, making it impossible for the aircraft to take off. Approximately 9 hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor the Japanese forces from Formosa attacked Clark Field and, landed amphibious forces on the main island of the Philippines. In addition Cavite Navy base on the island was attacked the next day. Japan believing that it had lost the element of surprise and were shocked to find the Philippines unprepared. Japan achieved complete victory.
The Japanese attack caused heavy damages to the US Navy and air force, forcing the Navy to retreat to safety in Australia 1,500 miles away. The surrender of the Philippine is the largest loss of U.S. troops and the largest loss of U.S. territory in American history. General Mc Arthur defeat helped to extend Japanese

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