A Thousand Splendid Suns And Nafas Comparison

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“Of all the hardships a person had to face, none was more punishing than the simple act of waiting,”(Khaled Hosseini.) Through life you endure suffering, and no one knows the true meaning of this than the lives of the people of Afghanistan. In both the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns[ATSS] by Khaled Hosseini and in the movie Kandahar, it shows the struggle in which the Afghani people go through in their everyday life after the reign of the radical Islamic groups. The use of a novel gives detailed information on the lives of the Afghani people although, it makes the reader use their imagination to interpret what the image or author is trying to say. In the film, there is no imagination needed, but yet it doesn’t give the detailed explanation …show more content…

Nafas in the film has to go through the challenges that lie ahead in order for her to get to her suicidal sister. The fact that she is a journalist and the fact she is a woman shows how the Afghani people don’t view women as the same social status as them. Also in the film is the greed for money in which Heyat, Kahk, and the Old Man are all dragged into help Nafas for the fact that they are being paid to do so. As shown in the novel, ATSS, the lives of both Mariam and Laila are shaped by ruthless men that shape their lives mostly for the worst. Rasheed has put both of them down and abused them in every imaginable way showing the inhumanity of man. Even in both ATSS and the film the Taliban is taking ruthless acts upon civilians in order for them to stay in the country for containment. Through the bombing of buildings such as Laia’s house and the landmines that Tariq and Nafas’ sister went through, the Taliban are the example of inhumane acts for not only the opposing side but on its own people. On the other hand the film also shows that men have that humanity left in them. Through the kind deeds of the doctor and the help of Kahk and Heyat, men in Afghanistan all selfish and cruel but can be helpful at