
A True Relation John Smith Summary

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John Smith was not rescued by Pocahontas. In “A True Relation” published in 1608 written by John Smith it states that “And so, with all this kindness, he sent me home.”Furthermore in “General History” published in 1624 also written by John Smith he stated that “laid my head on the stones, ready to beat out my brains. Pocahontas,the King’s fearest daughter took my head in her arms and laid down upon it to save me from death. Then the Emperor said I should live.” Interpretation A written by Paul Lewis it states “In 1617, Pocahontas became a big media event in London. She was a princess,- John Smith published a new version of True Relation, adding footnotes that say that Pocahontas threw herself on Smith to save him.” These quotes back up my
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