A Very Brief History Of Hockey In Australia

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With hockey being the oldest sick and ball game it was developed from the French name “Hacquet” or “Shephards crook” which refers to the crooked stick which is used to hit a ball like object. Back to when hockey was first being played the Arabs, Greeks, Persians and romans had their own version that they played which was played by Aztec Indians of south America. In 1886 the rubber cube that they use to use as a ball was replaced with a sphere. Rules were also starting to be developed such as no stick above the shoulder and a ‘striking’ circle was incorporated in the London association. By 1928 hockey became India’s national game being played over a wide spread of areas. In 1363 hockey was illegal in England because of archery but repealed back in 1784. Because hockey …show more content…

Private school girls would play the game after or in school in the 1900s. Hockey was very popular in South Australia when it first came to Australia no other state knew about it. The first association was formed in South Australia in 1903. A year after that Western Australia played the game. Victoria and New South Wales then established the game of hockey and formed their own associations in 1906. Soon after that clubs sprung in Melbourne and Sydney and hockey was then recognised as a sport in Australia. By 1908 Western Australia had formed their own association but Queensland was a late starter to hockey. By 1912 an Australian Hockey Association was created but did not start and become recognised until 1925. The year of 1984 was a big year in the development for hockey in Australia, Perth established the AIS (Australian institute of sport) hockey unit which contributed to the development of hockey which separated men’s and women’s programs. It is situated in Canberra but was established away from there in

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