
A Very Brief Story Of Leon Kusmirek

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Have you ever had this nightmare that felt real and all you could do is wake up so it will go away. Well My nightmare didn’t feel real it was real and every time i would go to sleep i would wish i didn’t wake because that's the only place i felt safe. My name is Leon Kusmirek, my life wasn’t all that bad I’ve always wondered why they felt the need to take away the life of my loved ones we were all the same but yet we were treated different my story is not to make you feel pity for me it's to make you know to never lose hope.

It was Friday, September 1st, 1939 My mom noticed that there was no bread in the house so she told us that she would run to the market to go get some, little did i know that was when my nightmare would begin. …show more content…

We returned home and there we stayed till we heard gunshots. We were only home for a hour it took a hour for the Germans to take over the town of Zgierz the town i used to call home was no longer home to me it was the start of my horrible lifetime and may i say it was bad luck for my dad because he soon returned when poland was defeated. At this time i was only seven years old at seven i was taken from my home and was forced to walk 11.4km to you it might not be much but for a seven year old that's a long …show more content…

Later my dad was given a job to work to work at a hospital and through contacts at his job i was able to get a job as a courier. The job was liveable because the weekly ration of food was a peice of bread and a few grams of potatoes but this was still not enough because i had to share with my brother because he was unable to work to get his food. The longer i worked there the more food in was given. After 5 months of working there I was now being given soup twice a day. Further After This the conditions got worse Germany invaded USSR and people were deported every second of the

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