A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings, By Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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Reading throughout the short story, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the question is raised, “Is the old man an angel or just a freak of nature?” With accusations of being an angel from a curious neighbor, to being called an imitation angel from the village priest, Father Gonzaga. While reading the story, questions began to flourish the audience’s minds, “Well, what is the oddity that we have heard throughout this entire story?” That is for the readers to decide. Being a Christian, and an optimistic, I believe that spiritual things can and will happen, given the right amount of time. Many authors have said that since the man did have wings, and in fact, did fly away that he is an angel. I agree with the statements made in the critical analysis of Peter Ritter. The patience of the angel, how he got treated, and how his ability to fly away towards the end of the story is enough evidence that the strange man is an angel. Proceeding with the critical analysis, Peter Ritter claims that the angel almost regenerates his health over the years, and magically flies away. Only something spiritual like that can be an angel. …show more content…

As we proceed to unveil this mystery of what this rarity is, the story becomes more and more of a question mark at the end of the story. Marquez’s tone of the story draws in the readers as he uses real life qualities, yet still using his vast imagination. While reading the short story, the question will be brought up numerous times, “What is this freak, this, supernatural being?” While the story proceeds, a simplistic mindset is set in your mind; therefore, asking yourself what is real, and what is not in everyday

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