Analysis of the short story "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" This story, written by Gabriel García Márquez, narrates the story of a man who appears in a fishing rural community, and everybody looks at him like an angel, due of his huge wings. ”A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings "is a social interpretation on the way that people reason about diverse thoughts, a little different from everyday actuality. Also, it is a story that causes a broad debate concerning the symbolism, which agrees to many explanations; but the main meaning as social evaluation is presented by Marquez predominantly on the characters. Angel functions as a representative of the mysterious world and its action in the hands of the town shows its non-acceptance of the unknown. …show more content…
The first one to see the angel is Pelayo, but the person that is reading the story is able to see that Pelayo responds adversely to this encounter. Scared by this nightmare is Pelayo, Pelayo's response and it is not what I expected it should happen when someone sees an angel for the first time. He does not meet the outlooks of what should in reality be an angel, so logically defined as "a lonesome castaway from some distant ship in ruins by the storm. As a replacement for of accepting the angel as he is, the people in the village create their own rationalization, so Marquez draws attention to how common people do not understand the new way of life about the bizarre, preferring to stay to its simplicity, without