ADHD Rush Hour Video Analysis

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For this assignments, I have chose the first documentary ADHD Rush Hour.This video has explained about the cause,effect and solution to ADHD.What is ADHD? What are the systems of ADHD? What are the effects of ADHD in human body?We can ask lot of question about ADHD? ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.Despite being most commonly studied and diagnosed mental disorder in children and adolescents, the exact cause is unknown in the majority of cases.With no specific causes most of the children’s are put in diagnose and are perceived medication. The video start with the story of boy name called Zach.He was diagnosed with ADHD.His mother explained about how disaster was he in kindergarten.He was about to kicked out from the school from his behavioral and distributive behavior.This video also explains about two other adults who has same problems. It explains their childhood and their problems to cope with environment, school and community. This video explains about the positive and negative outcome of …show more content…

As we know most of the diagnose is not specific and many of the children are victim of that but as we see on the video how those medication helped people to be normal like others.Zach mother say about he was able to write his name in Monday morning after the first dose in Sunday night.She also explained how he was able to complete all the

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