Suicide. Death. Any assistance with the re-entry process? All of these worlds are connected in more than one way, and Physician Assisted Death is how they fit together. Physician Assisted Death is a way for terminally ill patients to feel relief from pain and suffering. They must undergo the lengthy process to finally receive the medication that they will take, if that is what they wish to do. However, not every ordinary person is eligible for this medical process. They must meet the following requirements in order to qualify for Physician Assisted Death, a resident in the state that it is legal in, at least 18 years old, mentally competent, diagnosed with a terminal illness that will lead to death in a maximum of 6 months, and capable of administering …show more content…
A reason why this topic is considered ethical by people is that it follows the guiding principle of autonomy and the fourth code of the AMA Code of Ethics. Autonomy is when the health care provider respects the patient’s right to make their own decisions. Similarly, the fourth code states, “Respect rights of patients, colleagues.” So, Physician Assisted Death does in fact follow autonomy and the fourth code because the doctor is allowing the patient to make the choice to go through with this process and treating the patient and not just the terminal illness. In addition, this topic is considered ethical because it follows the sixth part of the Hippocratic Oath. The sixth part states, “I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being.” It also relates to the first code in the AMA Code of Ethics. The first code states, “Competent care with respect for human dignity, (treat them like a person, not an illness).” With Physician Assisted Death, the doctor is showing compassion to the patient and treating the human …show more content…
One reason I believe this is because it is the patient’s choice to go through this medical process. The patients are the ones going to the doctors and asking for a way to end their pain. It is not the other way around. The doctor simply respects the patients’ wishes. Another reason I think that Physician Assisted Death is ethical is that the patient has a terminal illness and must meet the requirements. The patient has been given up to six months to live and this medical process is just speeding it up. The physicians have spent multiple days with the patients and have understood their pain, so they want to help the patient out of their misery. In addition, there is a step in the process where the physician tries to convince the patient not to go through with this medical process. The final reason that I think this medical process is ethical is that the patients have the choice if they want to follow through with this process. It is in the patient’s hands and it is up to them if they take the medication or not. For these reasons, I think that Physician Assisted Death is ethical. Next, when I did my interview, a few things surprised me. On the other hand, there were some things that did not surprise