APA Ethics: The Impact Of Principle A

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The first APA ethical principle I’d like to discuss in terms of the impacts it may have on my consulting project with NW Noggin is Principle A which is further comprised of the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence. The principle of beneficence says physicians are expected to care for their patients to the best of their ability; essentially this ethical principle implies physicians should behave in an altruistic and charitable manner towards their patients (e.g., selflessness, serving the greater good). The principle of nonmaleficence parallels the principle of beneficence, for it exclaims a physician will do no harm (i.e., the no harm rule) meaning they will avoid committing unnecessary harm to their patients. In my consulting project, the potential impacts of Principle A could arise in the development and implementation of services for both the consultants and the organization they are serving. The products of our consulting …show more content…

Additional features of this principle include respect for autonomy and privacy (confidentiality), for all individuals have the right to safety/security and the ability to express themselves. Many of the impacts this principle could have on my consulting project involve contexts in which my consulting team collaborates amongst itself and with NW Noggin. All individuals have the right to their opinions, beliefs, perspectives, ideas, and so forth, so it is only fair every individual receives the same level of respect (which should be mutual). Conversations should be conducted with this principle in mind to give others the space to express themselves without fear of judgment or shame. All of us are worthy of being valued and respected by others, no matter what position someone may be in (e.g., a sales manager should receive the same level of respect as a