ASDAN Personal Statement

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I am an ambitious independent and creative individual with a burning passion in Art and design. I love designing, creating, painting and illustrating new things all the time, as well as going to art exhibits to see various paintings portraits and other art forms. I really enjoy finding new ways to create art pieces, finding cool techniques to better my skills in painting and drawing. I would really like to study art because creating new things is what really defines me as a person. I've completed sixty hours of ASDAN coursework which I worked very hard at and enjoyed thoroughly. ASDAN helped me to develop my skills in money management, sale techniques, team work and also career exploration. I have also done a variety of work experience outside …show more content…

Firdose Gardens; this job involved more practical but was equally as beneficial. while I was doing this work placement I learnt how to deal with customers in a different way since me and my mentor had to go to the customer's houses and carry out their requests. This job has given me a lot of experience in exchanges, refunds and of course a vast extent of gardening skills. I, and many others, would describe myself as an independent problem solver who thinks outside the box. I like to know how things work and why they work, I also have a creative mind and love investigating different topics whether its technology or religion, I always look at things with an open mind. I think that I am quite self confident since I've been home educated for most of my life, this has also given me a freedom in some way, to learn in my own time but to also enjoy it. This has also led to my great independent working skills but I definitely know how to work in a team.The subject i am best at is English but art is my favorite subject, I do really enjoy English and love having class debates. I read a lot and like presenting in front of a class. I quite enjoy acting but writing plays is something I'm good

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