AT & T Essay

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INTRODUCTION Revolutions and changes in the way people think are continuous aspect of evolution, all the sciences humankind has developed has seen. In the more recent years, the biggest buzz words around the concept of innovation and change are Artificial Intetligence and the meteoric rise of technology. However, a fairly revolutionary and less obvious change has been brewing in the field of management and the way organizations since 20th century. At the heart of this revolution is the idea that people ultimately decide the fate of the organization and not only the technology. The organizations that are able to perform and withstand in the ever changing market, are able to do so due to the correct people. This rise in the importance of people has made the science of managing the greatest resource of the company pivotal for success. Something peculiar that can be observed in the most long-standing and reliable organizations is the way …show more content…

AT&T was one of the major players dealing with a recent merger in 1992 after posting declining profits. However, the company managed to do something that was truly radical and managed to re-align one of its core department – HR, which ultimately led to success. AT&T underwent major restructuring, after which the company moral was fairly low and the employees were dissatisfied. A new business unit called Global Business Communication Solutions (GBCS) was formed after merging two units. The company leadership was changed and there was general sense of unrest. The new leadership developed a set of strategic principles for the unit which were directly related to the business. Furthermore, the learders emphasized that there was a need to "engage the workforce" and to create an environment that "supports our people as our only sustainable, competitive

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