ATF Government Regulation Report

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The ATF is a government organization that directly regulates and enforces the laws that deal with alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. The ATF was established in the year 1972 as a part of the Treasury Department as a risk management organization that will identify and then put in to perspective the risks that each individual sector has to assess and prioritize. The ATF is a sector of Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms are each enormous risks, and the government understands that, therefore they use this organization to its fullest extent. Alcohol and tobacco are taxed very heavily, so accordingly there is a division to overlook that. Criminals look for ways to get around these various taxes by trafficking alcohol and tobacco illegally and the …show more content…

These regulations are enforced in order to monitor any illegal activity that comes with them, whether it is the illegal access to them or trafficking them illegally. The government has control over the alcohol and tobacco industry and would much like it to stay that way. This is a huge reason as to why there is a force made to regulate the system. According to the U.S Department of the Treasury, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau is responsible for all inquiries in regards to the manufacture, wholesale, and importation of alcohol and tobacco, regulating the alcohol and tobacco industries and Special Occupational Tax and the collection of Alcohol and Tobacco Taxes imposed on manufacturers and importers of these products. ( Tobacco is a huge staple to the US due to the fact that it can be taxed, so if there was not an organization to regulate the importation of it, that would be an enormous problem. There are federal laws in place that control the tobacco industry. One of the main laws, The PACT Act law, went into effect on June 29, 2010. The PACT Act features several major components; it regulates the mailing of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products to consumers through the U.S. Postal Service; Registration, Reporting, Delivery requirements, recordkeeping, List of Unregistered or Non-Compliant Delivery Seller’s; increases penalties to a felony up to 3 years imprisonment and gives ATF …show more content…

Also, the ATF wants to reduce the loss of tax revenues caused by contraband alcohol and tobacco trafficking. ( The ATF has a substantial organization and this organization is led by the Director, Chief of Staff and Chief Counsel. The Chief Operating Officer is the middle man between the top dogs and all of the different offices that feed in to it. There are 8 different offices that report to the AFT in order to regulate all of the illegal activity that goes in to firearms, alcohol, and tobacco. The ATF seems to have everything in order for it to be the organization that it needs to be. It is very important to have risk organization. There seems to be a very good job of it within the ATF. They do a lot of the assessment of risk within each individual section and then each section is able to manage everything within their own control. Each individual section overlooks things such as: public and governmental affairs, strategic intelligence and information, science and technology, management, enforcements programs and services, field operations, human resources and professional development, and professional responsibility and security operations.

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