Aakido Interview Strengths And Weaknesses

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Leadership Terms -Aikido and GROW Each of the various techniques and models mentioned has some merit in helping leaders to learn to assume the command position and can help to develop character and achieve goals. Aikido, in a nutshell, teaches you to be in the moment, and to analyze and assess the situation instead of reacting to any given conditions, therefore it builds emotional intelligence. Moreover, Aikido asks you to be adaptable and contribute, therefore it is not passive, but rather teachers followers to mindfully aware and even to accept the situation if it circumstances cannot be changed (Hansen, 2013). G.R.O.W. as previously mentioned stands for goals. the reality, options, and will, these are especially useful when mentoring employees …show more content…

A company should always be aware of threats and opportunities in a market and by performing SWOT analysis on a frequent basis they can analyze their competition and look for opportunities in the marketplace. Furthermore, users can also assess themselves to be aware of areas that need work and skills that are necessary to strengthen or obtain either in general or specifically as a leader (Dayan, 2016). STAR, (Strengths, Teamwork, Alignment, and Results) or (Situation, Task, Action, Result) are assessment tools available to leaders to achieve goals, by realizing that your teams can be more efficient by utilizing their strengths. Moreover, then by combining teams that complement each other and aligning the teams and individuals correctly, the goals and vision of the company can be realized. The results are measured and tracked so teams can be sure they are on track (STAR, n.d.). The Situation, Task, Action, Result is useful to draw on past experiences and achieve optimum results by using your previous experience to achieve the desired results (Simpson,

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