Abdullah Ocalan's Struggle Against Communism

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After the capture of Abdullah Ocalan in 1999, the PKK retreated to the mountains in order to restructure and reform their political organization. This tim of reconstruction centered primarily on the hierarchical structures within the PKK and the clarification of ideologies. The new dogma of the PKK was then circulated and put into writing with the KCK-agreement (Posch 88). Within this writing, it is made evident that the PKK’s ideologies revolve around the ideas of communism and authoritarianism. After the reformation period, the PKK took on a new stance against capitalism. Within the KCK-agreement, Ocalan states that communism is an alternative to “globalized imperialism” (Posch 91). Ocala defines his idea for the future economy as a communal economy where wealth will be redistributed throughout society. Additionally, he claims that will help prevent “status diversity” within the new Kurdish state (Posch 92). Ocala wishes to remove the form of capitalism entirely from his “idealized state," because he believes this only …show more content…

Within the agreement, Ocalan states that a representative democracy benefits the national bourgeoisie, but the general public will not receive freedom and justice through this form of government (Posch 94). Ocalan hypothesizes a new form of “collective democracy”. Within this form of government, all participants would be required to adhere to the values and ideologies of the KCK-agreement and embrace it. In addition to this, he wishes to create a large confereration within the Middle East, which will be a collective “people’s democracy” (Posch 95). The political views within the KCK-agreement draw a strong similarity to Soviet-style authoritarianism. Ocalan also claims that his beliefs on the future government are the correct path for the Kurds, and the other Kurdish political organizations only have the interest of the Turkish government