Abigail Adams, George Whitefield, And The Founding Fathers

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Abigail Adams, George Whitefield, and the Founding Fathers. What do these people all have in common? Agency. The. These people have the capacity to act independently, make their own decisions, and have an impact on their situations. Abigail Adams advocated for women’s rights, George Whitefield preached for the Great Awakening, and the Founding Fathers led the fight for the American Revolution. These people displayed their agency, heavily impacting their country and the world we live in today, earning their place in our history books. Abigail Adams, George Whitefield, and the Founding Fathers demonstrate the concept of agency by challenging societal norms and advocating for change, which not only shaped their respective movements, but also laid …show more content…

This single direct act was Abigail asserting her agency to allow women to have a role in government. While John Adams did in fact forget about the ladies when signing the document, Abigail’s act was one of the first times someone publicly spoke out about women’s rights and societal equality. The first spark is not always the one that starts the flame, but it is necessary to light the fire. Her act had influenced many others to advocate for women’s rights, eventually leading to women’s role in the government today having a bigger role with the successful Women’s Suffrage Movement and education being provided to women today. Like Abigail Adams, George Whitefield had a prominent voice and used it to assert his agency. The Great Awakening was a significant religious revival that moved through the American colonies which fostered a way of thinking that led to the American

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