Abigail Williams In The Crucible Essay

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Reverend Parris, uncle of abigail, became her caregiver at a young age after enduring her parents murder by Native Americans.He already had his daughter Betty and his slave Tituba. He was the minister of Salem, but Salem followed the Putain Law. Puritan Laws are very strict on religion and morals. Abigail Williams developed a victimised charter during her turbulent childhood. Resulting to this she is determined the world is fault for her actions. Failing to realize that she is in charge of herself and most of her problems are self inflicted.
Abigail was hired as a maid for John and Elizabeth Proctor. During that time period Elizabeth got ill and because of this she didn’t have a very great attitude. Instead of talking to Elizabeth about it he had …show more content…

She tells him Tituba forced them to by curses. Tituba is a slave so it's very likable,they think. When Hale goes to talk to Tituba she denies it but throws everyone under the bus. Names are mentioned and a little bit of the truth comes out. When they start getting really close to the truth Abigail's throws them a loop. She tried turning it on Elizabeth. She states that Elizabeth is a witch and is out to get her. Now they have all rumors about who's a witch and that there is witchcraft going on. The courts get involved and suggest that all the people involved in witchcraft need to admit it and, those who do not admit what they have done will be killed. So everybody that are witches confesses some that aren't do as well to save there life. Elizabeth's states,” They’ll hang if they’ll not confess ,John. The town’s gone wild, I think. She speak of Abigail, and i thought she were a saint,to hear her. Abigail brings the other girls into the court, and wher she walks the crowd will part like the sea for Israel. And folks are brought before them, and if they scream and howl and fall to the floor- the person’s clapped in the jail for bewitchin’