Abolition Of Huckleberry Finn

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The use of the ‘n’ word was for describing African Americans’ in 1785 to the late 20th century. Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn took place around 1835-1845, our protagonist, Huckleberry Finn, used the ‘n’ word as a racial slur to describe Jim, a runaway slave. Finn’s world should stay in it’s own era while the reader stays in their own. If the reason to removing the N word was because it made students and parents uncomforbale, then one is also removing the history and its meaning behind the word. Erasing history and derogatory term isn’t going to help the reader see how harsh and unfair 1835 was. By removing the ’n’ word, the reader wouldn’t understand the meaning and differences behind the ‘n’ word and slave when it’s used