Abortion Pro Life Essay

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Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our society. There are many different opinions on when and if it should be permissible. It is a sensitive issue and one that should be approached with care and thoughtfulness. The word abortion is defined as "...the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by surgical or medical means". (222) However, this simple definition does not encompass the complex reality of abortions. The topic of abortion is highly sensitive and personal. It is an incredibly difficult decision to make, and one that should be made with the guidance of trusted medical professionals. No matter what your views on abortion may be, it is important to recognize the need for a safe and legal option for those facing an unplanned …show more content…

No one has the right to tell someone else what they should or should not do with their body, especially when it comes to something as personal and potentially life-altering as this. When abortions are not available, women can often face dangerous or even life-threatening situations, something no one should go through. Although the recent decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade directly attacks this right, we cannot allow it to stand. This unprecedented law doesn't protect the complicated pregnancy of a woman's life; this law only forfeits their rights for the unborn. Regardless of our personal beliefs on this subject, we must recognize and honor individuals' rights over their bodies and lives because, ultimately, my life, my …show more content…

Since Roe v. Wade, the decision regarding abortion has been a controversial and highly politicized issue in the United States. While the Supreme Court ruled that a woman’s right to have an abortion is protected under the Constitution, there have been continuous attempts by conservatives to overturn this decision and make abortion illegal. Many Republicans use abortion as an appeal to gain support from anti-abortion groups in order to win elections. In fact, they succeeded with the overturning of Roe on June 24, 2022. The decision the Supreme Court made allowed each state to determine if abortions should or should not be legal. Since this unfortunate overturning, 11 states have made abortions illegal. The reason for the overturning of Roe lies solely with pro-lifers believing that the fetus is human, based on the fact that the fetus has the potential to become human. This factitious unscientific belief goes even further into protecting an unborn child who isn't even real and who needs to be protected with fully developed human rights! For example, Texas introduced the "heartbeat bill," which bans all forms of abortion under the belief that about six weeks when the embryo begins to form a heartbeat, it is alive. Although, "medical and reproductive health experts say the reference to the heartbeat at that stage of pregnancy is medically inaccurate as an

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