Abortion Vs Pro Life Essay

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Argument Essay: Pro Life vs Pro Choice Serenity R. Uhlman. Should abortion be legal? A once simple question, now one of the most controversial debates of modern times. Many argue that women have a right to choose what they do to their bodies, and whatever life may be inside them; while others say that killing life before it even has the chance to live is immoral and unethical. Today I will explain why abortion should be legal, as well as offer a compromise in the hopes of satisfying both Pro Life and Pro Choice supporters. Abortion should be legal for a multitude of reasons, including, but not limited to, failed contraceptives, unfit households, and rape/sexual assault. Starting with that first example of failed contraceptives, it’s not uncommon for things like …show more content…

The laws on abortion vary state to state in the US, in some it’s still completely legal, in others you can face large fines, up to $100,000, and even 2 years jail time. I do understand that taking life out of this world, pre-born or not, shouldn’t be something taken lightly. Some women will even abuse the power of abortion, not bothering to use contraceptives simply because they can. However, it isn’t always fair, or safe, for the parents or child to be forced into something they’re unprepared for. Which is why I propose a compromise: abortion should indeed be legal, but there should be a limit to it. An abortion limit would allow women to get an abortion in the most dire of circumstances, while also making sure no one can abuse the power of life. Often times, the women seeking abortion aren’t at fault due to contraceptive failures or sexual assault, and keeping the baby with the mother could worsen the quality of their lives. In conclusion, abortion should be legalized, though perhaps with some restrictions, because sometimes accidents, or even traumatic events, happen that are out of the mother’s control. It’s also unfair to the child to have

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