During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln illustrated cautiousness as several States that was part of the Union were undecided whether to join the Confederate government or remain in the Union. However, Lincoln was aware of the pressure that he was facing and therefore, Lincoln, did not overuse his authority that would illustrate himself as a tyrant. However, authorized the suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus in 1861, which was not one of the greatest moments of his time; nevertheless, what showed of Lincoln was commitment and a sense of leadership within the line of the Constitution.
Abraham Lincoln dislike of slavery was apparent from the beginning of 1850; however, he did not want the Civil War to be about slavery and was cautious not talking about slavery at the beginning of the war. Despite his avoidance of the issue slavery during the war, Republican radicals pressured Lincoln implemented the first Confiscation Act of 1861 in which slaves captured by the Union forces were not to be returned to the master since there was no contraband. With the second Confiscation Act of 1862, the slaves
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However, the Amendment would not be felt in all states without the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction or widely known as the ten percent plan. The Amnesty and Reconstruction Act will pardon the Confederate States if ten percent of its legislative voters take an “oath in support the Constitution and all its acts and proclamations made by Congress and the president concerning slavery.” Lincoln’s ten percent plan was not well supported by his party for it was far too lenient to ‘rebels; ' nevertheless, Lincoln was beyond the conflicts of North and South but aimed at mending the Union effort in a peaceful if not forceful