
Abraham Lincoln's Contributions To The Civil War

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The nation has had many events that have shaped it into what we now know as the United States we live in today. From wars to Civil Wars to treaties to compromise from conflict to peace. Every single event has been logged in the United States history. The Reconstruction Era after what is known as the Civil War which was completed in 1877 after the plan that Abraham Lincoln has been started and complete with his fundamental in mind. Even though the plan Johnson set out was probably off what Lincoln might have had in mind but none the less it was completed. The Civil War was a war that was found between the northern American against the Southern Americans. The Civil War was thought to have started because the north Americans wanted the southern …show more content…

Abraham Lincoln views about slavery had been public throughout the campaign before his election. Southern's knew that if President Lincoln won they would have to separate themselves from the nations in order to keep their slaves. They had strong believed that it was okay to own black slaves. During the Civil War many lives were lost defend the rights of slaves and the idea that it was okay to own them. In my opinion the civil war was unnecessary many lives were lost and money lost in the process. The outcome to the Civil War would determine the path the United States would take in the slavery issues. Slaves had yet so see the changes because many stubborn whit plantation owners wanted to keep them as their property. The Reconstruction Era had started with many issues that need to be addressed. The first would be to get the nation whole again and have the state readmitted in the union. Abraham Lincoln had set-up the preliminary idea that he wanted the re-admit the states as efficiently as possible. In no way did he want to punish them for what they had done or the way they acted. President Lincoln wanted to have them back in the union and I believe work together to make America unify …show more content…

The plan was to have the states who favored slavery to take an “oath of allegiance” of the people who had voted in 1860 and once it reached 10 percent they would be allowed back in. the reason for the pledge would be to declare their loyalty to the northern states that they would be able to believe them they were being truthful in respecting the slavery being banned. In the small time Lincoln was able to carry out his plan before he was assassinated he established the “Freedmen’s Bureau”, just after this John Wilkes Booth murdered him. This meant the plan would have to be finished by Andrew Johnson since Lincoln didn’t have a full detailed plan all written out to detail of what exactly he wanted to do. This would mean that President Johnson would have to complete his plan at his own discretion and his own believes. Johnson was elected because the Radical Republicans believed that he was on their side wanting to give the slaves their freedom and god given rights back. They also wanted to punish the Whoever had participated in the Civil War against them. Once in office Johnson didn’t seem to have the blacks or slaves’ civil rights in mind all Johnson seemed to be interested in was to get all the states back in secession and make sure the blacks had no equal right s to the

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