Absolute Poverty In The Uk Essay

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Does poverty in the UK exist? Refer to the concepts of absolute and relative poverty to discuss this question. I am going to be discussing if poverty does exist with in the UK. I will refer to concepts of absolute and relative poverty. My main topic will be looking at what the government has done to prevent poverty and if we have been doing enough to stop poverty. I’ll be looking at theory’s such as ‘Peter Townsend’s concept of relative poverty,’ (Townsend 1979) and how that has changed at how we look at poverty. Ill also be looking at ‘Benjamin Seebohm Rowntree basket of necessities 1899’. (Rowntree 1941) Poverty is not having the necessities to survive, this means not having food, water and a roof over your head. There are lots of different types of poverty and how we measure it. The concepts such as absolute and relative poverty shows the different types and level of poverty we now have in today’s modern society. Absolute poverty is ‘measured relative to a fixed standard of living, rather than the rest of the population.’ (Ashworth-Hayes and Full Fact team 2017.) Absolute poverty is measured in a variety of different way. The World bank measure absolute poverty by looking at statics from all around the world. …show more content…

There are lots of different befits that people could be entitled too, however a lot of people of benefits are un-deserving of this entitlement because it is an easy life on benefit’s. Although a there are deserving and entitled people to benefit’s. Due to fact you can earn more on benefits the getting a minimum wage job a lot of people chose to stay on benefit’s. This is because of ‘benefits such as job seekers allowance.’ (GOV.UK. 2017) In the UK ‘64% of families are on some sort of benefits, 30% of them are pensioners. However, because of children’s tax credits have change what little some people did receive are now entitled to nothing.’ (The guardian.

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