
Absolutism: Different Forms Of Government

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Slo Essay
Jamil Yaro
West Georgia Tech

Sarah Harris
World History 2 -Hist1112
November 12, 2017

I have discovered that the development of absolutism, nationalism, socialism, communism, totalitarianism, Islamism, and republicanism, have a lot of similarities and differences. These forms of government brought to changes society. The world has experienced many changes such as wars and etcetera this made many countries realize that they must embrace diverse forms of government.
Absolutism is a type of monarch that is absolute and which the monarch has great power and has the supreme authority to rule over a country with a divine right as king. Divine right is when a king is given his position by a higher power. The power that a monarch …show more content…

Louis was born on August 23, 1754, in Louis-Auguste. He was the last king of France Before the French revolution. King Louis XVI was executed by the guillotine in place de la Revolution in Paris. King Louis XVI was executed for being convicted of conspiracy with foreign nations.
Nationalism is a principle that believes that a nation is formed by a group of people with a similar identity, language, history, and set of customs. For nationalists’ loyalty to your country is critical for people to band together to protect their country, extend its boundaries and culture. The French revolution crash started to cause many different changes. One of the changes was the overthrow of the monarchy in 1792. An example of Nationalism is the battle of New Orleans which was fought from January 8 to January 18
Socialism describes the 19th-century principle the desire to improve the lives of the working class. The reason for this was because of the poor living conditions brought by the industrial revolution. The wealthy people continued to be getting richer while the working class was in danger of living in the slums. Socialism called for a greater political equality and desired to make an equal playing field so it can be fair for everybody. An example socialism is a baker pays all his staff members the same amount of money based on the profit of the business and his staff members can vote on business …show more content…

Many people generally consider capitalism to be the opposite of communism. Capitalism is a society that private property and trade of items and private sale. Communism was an idea that came from Karl Marx who visions a more fairer society for the working class.
Totalitarianism is a form of government control that spread across Europe in the 20th century. Totalitarianism started in Germany in 1933 and eventually speeded across the world. The purpose of Totalitarianism was to maintain total control over a society. This includes all the rights of the citizens. Examples of totalitarianism are like Kim Il-sung ruling North Korea from 1948 till he died on 1994. The leadership position was passed on to his son and grandson and to this day people in North Korea consider Kim Il-sung as a great and powerful leader.
Islamism refers to Islam which is a monotheistic religion that comes from the middle east and Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world. Islamism does not cooperate with any other form of government. Islamic government is neither oppressive or absolute, it is constitutional but based on the approval of laws is decided by the majority’s vote. The different principles between an Islamic government and other types of governments are that

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