According To Goldman's The End Of Men

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There is a story told over and over in country that the white male is the most privileged person in our society. We have the most money, we control the political agenda. There are countless historical examples and statistical data backing this claim. Men seemingly dominate all of the realms of our society. In a book titled The End of Men, this is explained “For nearly as long as civilization has existed, patriarchy - enforced through the rights of the firstborn son - has been the organizing principle,” Bassically for the entirety of recorded history, men have had the power and the privilege. However, as I have been learning not to believe everything I read or hear, I discovered a very interesting fact when researching the discrepancy between women and men in economics. Women have a much higher graduation rate from college than men. With …show more content…

According to Goldman “boys often feel alienated in school from the earliest grades. They feel as though it’s a place they don’t belong, where their particular ways of processing are not valued…“Very often, we’re pathologizing boys for being boys,””. This alienation seems to stem from two main sources. Firstly there appears to be a lack of masculine understanding in school. Boys are asked to sit still and be quiet, something they enaitly struggle with. The result of this classroom culture is that “According to U.S. Department of Education data, boys receive 71 percent of school suspensions. Boys make up 67 percent of special education classrooms. Boys are five times more likely than girls to be labeled hyperactive and 30 percent more likely to flunk or drop out of school.” These statistics are astronomical and they point to an innate behavior bias against boys. Obviously boys are louder, more rowdy, and often more likely to disobey authority. However there is another variable that could account for boys alienation in