Aceves Family Mission Statement

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Aceves Family Purpose: The purpose of a family is to love and support each other unconditionally. The Aceves family has always been strong and supportive. We have always been there for one another and never have we set our backs on each other. We are family, the same blood runs through our veins, and never will we let anything come in between us. Mission Statement: N/A Why I’m a member: I’ve never been the type of person that is actively involved in groups. From the start the only group I’ve ever considered myself to be apart is the Aceves family. I was born into this family November 12, 1994 and from the beginning I’ve received nothing but love and support from them all.
Best Friends Purpose: The purpose of a best friend is to be there with you whenever you need them. A best friend is someone you can call, crying, after midnight. A best friend will make you laugh whenever you are sad, will pick you up from the airport, and will accept all your little quirks. My best friends Lucy, Bella, and Susana are the ones that listen to me babble and who help me whenever I’m dealing with issues regarding my family, school, or love life. Best friends are the family you get to choose. …show more content…

Friends Purpose: The purpose of a friend is to support you at all times and to give you their personal opinion regarding the current drama you are dealing with whether it involves a boy, your roommates, or your other friends.
Mission Statement:N/A Why I’m a member: It took me a long time but I finally found a group of friends I feel I can be myself with. I’m a member of this group of lovely ladies because they support me thru the bad and the good. I adore every member of my group of friends and will cherish my memories with them