Acid Rain Lab Report

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Our class went to the Conodoguinet creek and we tested the creek for signs of acid rain pollution, phosphates and nitrates, and dissolved oxygen levels. My hypothesis is that the creek would end up being polluted. But after the testing we did our results showed that the creek was not polluted. some of the tests we completed were water alkalinity tests, critter count tests and rocks that neutralized the acidity of acid rain. We also calculated the velocity of the water.

By calculating the velocity of the water we were able to tell how fast it was going. This helps us determine the health of the creek by allowing us tell if the water is moving too slow to distribute this such as chemical nutrients. If the creek were to be moving too slow there would be no way the nutrients could be evenly distributed through the creek. This would …show more content…

The third test we conducted were eutrophication tests, phosphate and nitrate tests, and acidity and alkalinity tests. The first one was a ph meter test to see if the water in the creek was acidic, neutral, or alkaline. On the ph meter we got a 7 which is neutral, and that’s good. For the alkalinity test we got a 13 which is good, and for the acid test we collected rocks and got 65 total. Of the 65 rocks only 29 did NOT neutralize acid which is really good so the creek should not be acidic.

We then took tests to tell if the water had eutrophication problems. Of all our phosphate tests we took it averaged out to 0.1ppm (parts per million) which is really outstanding. We then took nitrate tests and they averaged out 0.9ppm which is good. The last tests we took were dissolved oxygen tests and they came out 9.8ppm which shows how much oxygen is in the water and that is very great. So all of our eutrophication tests we took came back positive showing the the Conodoguinet creek is very