Act 17 Usc 107 Limitations On Exclusive Right: Fair Use

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One of the most important legal issue is copyright. Copyright is a law that exist in any original work or intellectual property made by creators such as writers, musicians and programmers. Copyright protects the original work of the authors from being reproduced (or copied) without the permission of the author.It is not just the design (aesthetics) of the website that has to check for copyright but also how the program is coded.This give the creator more control over their original work. This allows them to decide how their work should be used such as royalties which allows author to charge fee for using their intellectual property. As a website developer, there are rules and regulations needs to be followed and implemented in able to avoid …show more content…

Under the Act (17 USC 107 Limitation on Exclusive Right: Fair Use), it depends whether: The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; The nature of the copyrighted work; The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. This implies that comment posted by a user containing copyrighted item does not necessary break the law of “fair use”. Everyone has the right to hold opinions (ICCPR Article 19), as long as theres is no intention of impeding the creator’s work such as reviews or criticism and also no intentions for commercial use. It is very difficult to monitor these kind violations when lots of user constantly comment on website. However if a comment is found to violate one of these factors, disciplinary actions will be done from sending a warning to permanently taking down a user’s …show more content…

It allowed people to speak about their opinion however, there are some who use it to damage the reputation of others. Defamation occurs when a person intentionally spreads information about another person, group or company that damages their reputation or makes others think less of them. Regardless of the medium, a person can be defamed. This includes things posted online such as comments, photos and videos. Defamation is illegal and is treated as a criminal matter. It is also our responsible to make sure that none of this is allowed on the website. If any defamation occurred on the website, users can send complaints and staff will review the said complaints. If a comment is found to violate, disciplinary actions will be done from sending a warning to permanently taking down a user’s account. As the Psst website becomes more popular and more consumers signing up, marketers will see this website as a huge opportunity to engage with consumers and advertise their products and services. However there are rules and regulation that has to be followed and also the responsibility of the company to ensure that the content of the advertisement on the web page are accurate, irrespective of who put it

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