Act 5 Scene 1 Macbeth Comparison Essay

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Shakespeare Macbeth's final act starts as Lady Macbeth enters a trance with a candle in her hand. She seems to see blood on her hands and claims that nothing will ever wash it off. She leaves, and the doctor and gentlewoman marvel at her descent into madness. As Rupert Goold and Joel Coen's adaptations of Shakespeare's Macbeth are filmed in various ways despite being based upon the same play. As Rupert Goold 2010 portrays Act 5 scene 1 version of Macbeth Rupert Goold uses a big dark room with shadows and an ominous elevator to give the setting an unsettling tone. As Joel Coen's 2021 portrays Act 5 scene 1 as the adaptation relies on being filmed in black and white to execute light contrast with long stairs and long hallways setting the …show more content…

Then gently proceeds to soak her hands in the water and stare at them with unease. She continues to scream and twist her head, holding her hands close to her body, meanwhile the doctor and gentlewoman just watch from the window and she continues to be characterized as going insane, showing the audience how concerned the gentlewoman was to have to call a doctor to try and cure her. Coen’s choice to film Macbeth in black and white allows him to capture Lady Macbeth's facial expression, and body language, to show Lady Macbeth’s character as she is losing her mind to …show more content…

And continues her lines, as she shivers she walks towards the elevator and she slams it shut characterizing Lady Macbeth as unsettled. This sense of unsettling is enough that the audience can clearly understand why the gentlewoman would call a doctor for Lady Macbeth, showing the audience how concerned the gentlewoman was to have to call a doctor to try and cure

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