Action Comics # 1, Persepolis, And Ghost World

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Did you know in 2002, a four year old boy who suffered from hearing loss did not want to wear a hearing aid because super heroes didn’t? In order to get him to wear his hearing aid, Marvel Comics created a superhero with a hearing aid called Blue Ear. Though, the question many ask today is how did all these graphic novels begin? It all began with the graphic novel ‘Action Comics #1’ which still continues to interest and entertain not only the readers, but the population as well. Graphic novels such as Action Comics #1, Persepolis, and Ghost World were a revolutionary impact for author’s, creators, and the way books are now constructed. The essential question to discuss here is, what is a graphic novel? There have been a great amount of arguments …show more content…

This event lead to Action Comics #1 debuting in June of 1938. It was the first comic book to ever hit the nation. This comic book introduced Superman, one of the first popular superhero’s. When it first launched in the market the set price was $0.10, some places wouldn’t even sell it for that price, they would advertise it for free. During the mid 1970’s DC reissued many comics from previous years, which included Action Comics #1. These reprints were oversized, roughly double the size of the original editions, and had a cardboard-like cover. However, there have been many reports over the years of the outer covers being removed and these reprints being sold as legitimate first issues to unsuspecting buyers. Almost eighty years later on the 24th of August in 2014 a pristine edition of Superman’s Action Comics #1 sold on ebay for an astonishing $3,207,852. This sale price even beat the 2011 auction of a less pristine copy of $2,161,000 (Whitney). Action Comics #1 was a revolutionary piece of work that began the comic book industry in …show more content…

First beginning with Action Comics #1, then changing into everyday graphic novels that explain history and inform readers. These days authors have the option to present their book in a traditional novel format, or a graphic novel. Graphic novels have made an enormous impact on the society, graphic novels are a major benefit due to their ability to assist readers in retaining information in a much different approach than the standard book. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, and Ghost World by Daniel Clowes are great models for graphic novels because both documents are presented in illustrations. These illustrations truly allow you to comprehend what occurs in the books by representing the emotions of the characters, actions that take place, and the complete concept of the

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