Acupuncture: Qualities And Controversial Overtones

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A. OBJECTIVE The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive examination of Acupuncture, encompassing its essential qualities, history and controversial overtones. B. DEFINITION AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Acupuncture is an ancient school of complementary and alternative medicine that utilizes acupunctural needle based mechanisms to treat a myriad of emotional, mental and physical ailments (1). In relation, acupuncture manipulation encompasses preparation of accupoints location before needle insertion; operations following needle insertion and needle withdrawal, among other techniques (1). Special meaning manipulation involves the use of the filiform needle at the point of needle insertion until withdrawal, encompassing needle manipulation and …show more content…

Despite being characterized as ancient, the practice did not originate from China’s Neolithic Age as previously thought, and rather experienced an abrupt and rapid development, about two millennia ago during the Han Dynasty of 206 BC-24 AD (2). This period of socio-cultural advances favored acupuncture’s integration, as an amalgamation of several components of chines culture including; natural science, religion, social institutions and relations and holistic paradigms (2). In sum, acupuncture originates from the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties, further developing in the Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasties, finding itself at its heights in Song, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties. By the Qing Dynasty, which marks the modern era its use to declines in China, though it remains widely studied in present day (1). Acupuncture manipulation finds it onset recorded

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