Acupuncture Research Paper

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Alternative Therapy: Acupuncture
Acupuncture is part of traditional Chinese Medicine and has existed for over 2,500 years. It originated in China and has been practiced there as well as the Far East for thousands of years. There are sharpened bones and stones found that date back to about 6,000 BCE and are interpreted to be the instruments that they used for acupuncture treatment. During the 17th century, Acupuncture was introduced to Europe. The interest in acupuncture among the Chinese also declined during the 17th century when it was viewed as superstitious and foolish.
What it is
Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese Medicine that is based on the theory that there are patterns of energy flow throughout the body …show more content…

The reduction of blood pressure is not permanent through this type of treatment. By having weekly acupuncture sessions, you can reduce systolic blood pressure by up to 20 points. Acupuncture lowers blood pressure by stimulating the release of opioids, which decreases the activity of the heart and its need for oxygen, therefore resulting in a reduction of blood pressure. These opioids can be stimulated by placing the needles in specific sites along the wrist, inside the forearm, or in the leg. It is also known to stimulate the adrenaline system, which reduces the excitatory responses of the cardiovascular system and lowers your blood pressure. Acupuncture also works by calming the sympathetic nervous system, which controls involuntary movements in the body such as heart beat and blood pressure. The overactive sympathetic nerves force the heart to work harder and force blood through vessels which are already constricted by nerves. Acupuncture reduces the activity in the sympathetic nervous system which improves hypertension and reduces the chance of developing a lethal heart rhythm. Acupuncture also prevents strokes from happening by freeing the blockages that prevent the blood from reaching the brain. The process of acupuncture takes long-term commitment in order to see effective