Acutely Ill Adult Case Study

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Module title: Principles of assessment and management of the acutely ill adult
Module Leader: Briege King word limit: 500 student 's name: Hema Elizabeth Philip

This particular case study shows the assessment and management of an acutely ill adult who presented to the emergency department. This will explain pathophysiological cause of the illness, the assessment and the treatment given to the patient consent received from the patient and my manager as I am discussing the patients information. I am using mrs.Smith as patients name as I do not want to reveal the patients original name due to the confidentiality(an bord altranais 2012). Mrs.Smith 80 years old female brought by ambulance with complaints of increased shortness of …show more content…

2012). An anticholinergic nebulizer, ipratropium was given to mrs.Smith as per the order which helped to reduce dyspnea and cough slightly. Her Early warning score still remains 6. On detailed examination, Ed doctor suspected mrs.Smith may be having heart failure. ECG done on her which shows sinus tachycardia. Dyspnea is one of the symptom with patient suffering from heart failure and also experience wheezing.( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007; 49:171.). BNP(B-typ Natriuretic peptide) blood test done on her, to check wether she is suffering from heart failure. Mrs.Smith was monitored closely for signs of deterioration and vitals done regularly. While waiting for BNP test result mrs.Smith is referred to medical team for further investigation when the medical registrar came to review mrs.Smith BNP result arrived and which was normal, 75 pg/mL. Medical registrar examined mrs.Smith and adviced to give a stat dose of iv Augmentin 1.2 gm because of the elevated CRP. Confirmed with mrs.Smith that she is not allergic with any medication. Doctor adviced to

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