Journal #4 Propose changes to the St Joseph HS dress code. Use 5 vocabularies from lesson 4 do not use first person. Dress code is something all students don't look forward to having to wear when going to a private or charter school. This is usually because student that switch to private or charter schools probably had came to a school where they don't have to wear one. Since St Jose has a dress code, this may deter or even make kids thwart some kid does form not want to come and have fun at the school because of the dress code.
While the school administration argues that the dress code brings school unity, they are wrong because it takes away a sense of individuality from each student (Logos, concede). In today’s society, people use fashion and their daily outfits as a key way to express themselves. Students are constantly told throughout their school careers that they should demonstrates what makes them “different”, yet uniforms deny that sense of self-expression. According to Grace Chen of the Public School Review, uniforms may result in students turning to “other avenues of self-expression that may be viewed as even more inappropriate than clothing” (Ethos, professional credibility). This includes a nontraditional hairstyle, make up, or acting out towards authority at school or at home.
Saltillo High School is an extremely large school with a diverse student body. Drafting a rule book that can accommodate all the different races, religions, and cultures attending the school would most definitely be a formidable task, and although the rules that are in place now accomplish that for the most part, I feel as though a better job could have been done. I would slightly alter the dress code, I would push the first bell back about a half hour, and, lastly, I would enforce exams for all students. The dress code in place at Saltillo is mostly fair; therefore, the few things I would change are minor.
How are students supposed to change if you have no clothes and the school clothes available are embarrassing because they never fit. Most students can tell that the person got in trouble for the clothing choices they made that morning when they see someone wearing school clothes.
“I have spent countless lunches hiding behind my friends from Adrianna because I had a small patch my back showing, or I had a strap that was an inch smaller then what was deemed appropriate” sophomore Adena Rothbard explained. She's just one of the many girls at Newport Harbor that have had to waste their lunches away because they were scared of being told to “cover up”. But how much of their skin do they actually have to cover up? According to the Newport Harbor high school dress code, apparel has to be appropriate for professional working environment.
No matter what a student wears to school it doesn’t block or contribute weather a student will learn or not, so if a student wants to wear a crop top to school they should be able to wear it if a girl decides to wear shorts to school she should be able to wear it. Sometime boys might feel it’s too hot to come to school in a t-shirt and decides to wear a tank top he should be able to wear it and not have to serve a consequence. No matter how much schools have dress codes students will try to outbreak those rules. At the end of the day students come to school to get an education, students use their brains to learn and not what they wear to school.
High school dress codes are too strict. More specifically Oak Harbor High School 's dress code is too strict. The Benton-Carroll-Salem School District Student Handbook specifies, “All students are expected to dress in a manner not to interfere with the teaching/ learning process”. A manner that does not interfere with the teaching and learning process is then clearly stated. For example, “Skirts/Shorts must not exceed 3``above the knee…,” and, “Holes are not permitted above fingertip length”.
School Dress codes do not allow students to completely express their individuality. Schools want students to be able to think for themselves and create a sense of who they are, but it is not easy when they are forced to abide by rules that take away from from that. It should be a place of expressing ourselves freely in a learning environment without having to worry about what we wear as an interfering issue. The fact that the school system cares more about the student dress code than their education is an issue in itself. Schools should promote dress code individuality because of religious aspects, mental health, and human experience.
School Dress Code is Sexist School dress code has gotten out of hand, limiting young girls and boys on what they can wear to school. Telling young women that they are distractions in class because of what they wear. Girls get sent home because of their outfits it makes it seem like the administration is not worried about whether or not they get an education. Many types of clothing d or that have such as leggings, low cut shirts, and shorts have been banned or have restrictions. It is hard to find clothes that meet all these requirements.
Dress Code When it comes to the topic of dress code there are many controversial factors that come to mind such as While some argue that dress code is necessary in order to properly teach students to dress appropriately, others contend that dress code infringes on students individuality and creativity. This is not to say that there are some people whose feelings land in the gray area in between. In recent discussion of dress code, a common question has been whether dress code is fair or not fair among all students. On the one hand we have parents, young women, and other members of society who argue that some schools take dress code too far.
Any girl who has attended a public high school understands the daily dilemma of dress code. On those scorching hot days as the school year approaches summer, many girls can be found scavenging through their closet for a “school appropriate” outfit or one they won’t melt into a sweaty puddle in. Her dresses will show too much leg, her tops will inappropriately expose her shoulder or collar bone, and her shorts will be too short — at least that 's what the school says. Dress code in modern day high schools should be boycotted because they are a violation to student and parents rights, sexist, out of date, a double standard, and they disrupt a female students education. It 's fair to agree with a policy that claims stringent dress codes increase the emphasis on academics and reduce the pressure of socioeconomic status; however, these dress codes violate the students First Amendment right to freedom of expression and the parents’ Fourteenth Amendment right to raise their children in their own way.
When people where comfortable clothing, they tend to perform worse or not listen as well. This means that when people at school are wearing comfortable clothing, they will not pay attention or understand information nearly as well. However, the clothing that a dress code requires tends to be tight or rough, and is quite uncomfortable. Uncomfortable clothing is very good at forcing students to pay attention and focus during class, so that they can understand the material
Over the last 20 years, many schools have shifted away from fairly unregulated student dress codes to more stringent dress codes, with some schools implementing voluntary or mandatory school uniforms. There are several positions on the dress code issue, each of which have their own persuasive arguments to support them, which can be evaluated to examine their validity. One position in favor of implementing dress codes is that these standards can improve student safety and perhaps even student performance at school. There are variations on this position that favor strict standards on what students can wear, while others want to implement school uniforms in public schools. The opposing view is that students should not be subject to any dress codes on the grounds that they restrict students' freedom of expression, and that they may place unfair cost burdens on poor families.
Envision waking up every morning to put on the same outfit and walk out the door, stress free. People would not have to worry about what fits, or what is fashionable at the time. Schools would not have to worry about inappropriate clothing but at the same time, that clothing may be a way for a student to express himself. Many schools view uniforms as a solution to several problems, but many schools view uniforms as a lack of self expression. School uniforms should continue, even though children may not get to express themselves, because they prohibit violence, provide cheaper lifestyles, and promote better education.
Students can express their style and identity through their clothes. Students would like the freedom to keep up with latest styles and fashion and having dress codes takes that away. Lee Rowland, “School dress codes are saying that the self-identity that you want to express through your clothes doesn 't belong here. ”(Rowland 1).