Adolescence And Substance Abuse Essay

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Turn on the local news and what do you see as a headliner, local teen passed away from substance abuse. Its something you see more and more of in today’s society. Adolescents is the “period of life that starts with the biological, hormonal and physical changes“ ( Manoj, S. (2015) ,each of these effecting life choices. Many adolescents during this time in their life are making risky behaviors that can change their life and the future. In other words “adolescence is a developmental stage where individuals begin to engage in behaviors that may impact their current health and may have detrimental effects later in adulthood“ ( Ayres, C., Pontes, N., & Pontes, M. (2017). Substance abuse or use of illicit drugs , causes a “major impact on individuals, families, and communities” (Healthy People 2020). The use of substance’s “refers to a set of related conditions associated with the consumption of mind- and behavior- altering substances, that have negative behavioral and health …show more content…

I see a lot of Acute Brain Injures, caused from substance abuse and overdose. Therefore I have found great interest in the matter of substance abuse in the youth. I want to see what the community has to offer in prevention of substance abuse and promotion of community wide health. If the community can provide support and a positive well being for the youth within its community there can be a positive outlook to the way the youth live their life and their future. With positive support from the community and “positive family influences it can be a key element in adolescent rehabilitation“( Bertrand, K., Richer, I., Brunelle, N., Beaudoin, I., Lemieux, A., & Ménard, J.-M. (2013) for those who chose the wrong path and or for the prevention of adolescents before they become involved in risky behaviors that can affect their future and

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