Adolf Hitler Counter Argument

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Was hitler born an authoritarian or did his environment led him to such a desire power? “Life as Adolf Hitler” is regarding Menno Meyjes’ critically acclaimed film, Max, written by Zayda Ojeda. Ojeda’s thesis states that Hitler’s environment encouraged him to dictate Germany because Hitler was rejected, felt mistreated, and unnoticed. The main claim of Ojeda’s paper is that Hitler struggled with being mistreated by a fictional character in the film, named Max Rothman. Ojeda’s paper is very well written, although, there are still some parts of the paper that can be changed and reconstructed. In order to strengthen her paper, Ojeda should evaluate more on what had happened in the fictional film. Other readers that has not watched the film are obviously …show more content…

For instance, Ojeda could have indicate Max’s background, such as Rothman being fictional character, who lost his right arm from the war, and that he is a Jewish former artist. The topic sentences on each of the body paragraphs are vigorous. Ojeda explained the thesis well using an extreme explanation through the topic sentences. A counter argument makes the whole essay stronger and robust. In this case, Ojeda’s counter argument should have been more expanded and increased with such powerful words. For example, when Ojeda highlights, “He didn’t like being denied,” she could have proclaimed that “Hitler does not appreciate the act of disapproval and he dislike being excluded.” The quote that she proceeded by Max Rothman, should have been more detailed and aggrandized. Also, she did not have a concluding sentence on her counter argument. Whereas her third paragraph and her conclusion did not have any concluding sentences as well. Overall, Ojeda did a very decent job on proving that Hitler’s environment led him to become a dictator in Gernmany. She did a fantastic job on justifying that Hitler was nurtured into leading the