Adolf Hitler In The 50's

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Adolf Hitler, in life and death, is a man the world will never forget. He rose to power from almost nothing after his mother died when he was 18. It is stated in Britannica that “He often slept in parks and ate in free soup kitchens” (Source 1) He had a group of loyal followers called the Nazis, many of these Nazis were people that shared his political beliefs or they were forced to join under threat of punishment. These Nazis mistreated many groups of people including the Jewish people, Gypsies, and homosexual’s. The mistreatment of these people is comparable to the treatment of blacks in 1940’s/50’s America although the treatment of the Jewish people were considerably worse. Hitler’s military genius and rise to power is completely overshadowed …show more content…

The Nazi party believed that the treaty of Versailles should be demolished, that they needed to take over land in eastern Europe to make room for Germany's growing population, and that only people of German heritage can be members of their nation. A lot of the beliefs that appealed to the German people were ones that included Germany's rise to power and its growth. These were popular because many German people were bitter about Germany’s loss in WWI and losing most of their nations land in the Treaty of Versailles. A lot of beliefs believed in hate, many of the hate in the Nazis beliefs were directed towards groups of people. One of the main groups hated by the Nazis was the Jewish race, The reason Nazis hated the Jews was because of Hitler’s reasoning for why Germany lost WWI. Hitler believed that the reason Germany lost WWI was because the Jews stole from Germany during the war. He thought the Jews “poisoned” Germany from within. It is also said that Hitler might of gained his hatred when a Jewish doctor unsuccessfully treated his mother’s breast cancer, but that is just a theory and is not proven (Source 2). The Nazis rose to power by feeding peoples emotions, after WWI many German people were bitter about their loss and mad that they lost so much of their land. They were also bitter about their completely demolished economy. The Nazis promised a fix to all of these problems, they promised that they would give back their land and fix their economy. This appealed to most of the German people as all they wanted was their “great” nation to be

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