In 1939 when World War II was in full effect, Adolf Hitler conducted the world’s largest genocidal slaughter of a certain group of people, the Jews. Hitler thought that the Jews were the cause of Germany’s defeat in the First World War. Hitler conducted these horrendous acts by large scale killing squads (Police Battalion 101), death and forced labor camps, and by death marches. The death marches by far is the most terrible thing to do to a race of people. Marching day and night to no extent hardly able to even walk, collapsing from disease, starvation, exhaustion, and from the Germans themselves. The German soldiers did not even know where to travel when they were given the assignment or order to transport the Jews, they just made up their route. The way the Jews said “death marches” is Todesmärsche (it simply means death marches). Marching the long-distance for the Jews and other German prisoners started in late 1939 and ended a day or two after the war was officially declared over. The largest amount of the death marches took place in the last half year of …show more content…
Because the war was in favor of the Germans. They did not have a reason to transport the Jews into Germany. The second covers the years when the Germans full extent of extermination was in play. Consequently, in the middle years of the war the Germans were at their peak when it came to exterminations, more marches were conducted because of the rising population in the camps. Although the third covers the years when the Nazi regime was ending and the war was doomed for Hitler and his lost philosophy of a perfect Aryan race. That’s when Hitler finally realized that he need transport the Jews inside of Germany’s concentration camps. The way he did that is by marching the prisoners; Hitler usually transports the Jews by train, but his advisors told him that he needed to redirect the trains for the war effort. That was Hitler’s solution to his “Jewish