Advantages And Disadvantages Of Air Pollution

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Rationale In this unit, I’ve decided to teach my students about air pollution. My decision to introduce this topic stems from various reasons. First, Air pollution is a growing problem and it’s gaining a global attention in all sectors of society. We, humans, regardless of our age, gender, race or place of birth, are surrounded by air pollution. Pollutants can be found in the air we breathe, the food we consume and water we drink and de facto jeopardize our entire race existence by having an impact on climate change. Second, it is impossible to ignore the health risks that air pollution causes especially to vulnerable groups. Although air pollution affects the entire population, literature review indicates that increasing air pollution levels put children at a higher risk than adults. Third, one shall not forget that the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow, hence, if we introduce them to air pollution in early stages, they will carry this information with them, and eventually use it to make informed decisions, and to adopt a more sustainable living. Though, it is important that students get exposed to scientific information. Lastly, students have been introduced to this topic in other classes. By designing a unit in English, students are not only armed with the data in their native tongue, but also in English. Beside the language art that is being allotted, students enjoy exposure to science. Once the language portion of the lesson is taught, students will

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