
Risks Of E-Mail Essay

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3. E-Mail

Employees have an e-mail account to facilitate the sending and receiving of business messages between staff and between the ETB and its clients and suppliers. All communications should be done by the organisation e-mail only. While email brings many benefits to an ETB in terms of its communications internally and externally, it also brings risks to the organisation, particularly where employees use it outside of their ETB roles.

Every employee has a responsibility to maintain the ETB’s image, to use electronic resources in a productive manner and to avoid placing the ETB at risk offor legal liability based on their use. It should be remembered that the contents of e-mail are considered as official records for the purpose of legislation such as Freedom of Information Act, National Archives Act, and Data Protection Acts.

3.1 Risks Associated with E-Mails

 Messages can carry viruses that may be seriously damaging to the ETB’s systems

 E-Mail attachments may belong to others and there may be copyright implications in sending or receiving them without permission.

 It has become increasingly easy for messages to go to persons other than the intended recipient and if confidential or commercially sensitive, this could be breaching the ETB’s security and confidentiality.

 E-mail is speedy and, as such, messages written in haste or written carelessly are sent instantly and without the opportunity to check or rephrase. This could give rise to legal
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