Advantages Of Mandatory Military Service In Canada

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Mandatory military service in Canada
“It is not enough to win a war; it is more important to organize the peace.” this Aristotle quote summarises Canada’s stance on war perfectly. Canada has assumed the role of mediator and peacemaker in the global community. Furthermore, Canada became recognized for its efforts to use quiet diplomacy to resolve international disputes. However, in order to continue have a positive role in the world, citizens are needed to help in the military.(lemuseum). The question at hand is, should every able-bodied citizen of Canada be required to serve for a certain period of time in some branch of the military service? In order to continue to be a leader in peace keeping globally, each able bodied Canadian should have to serve in the military. However, the opposition would disagree.
One of strong argument …show more content…

On the contrary, we are made to do many things we may not want to do, take high school, rarely do teens actually want to attend school but it is important that they graduate as it improves there future. Being made to help in the military can be a positive life changing event, opening opportunities that they may never have had before, helping Canada grow stronger as a nation. Christopher Yates, who is a writer for The Guardian wrote “the ancient Athenians, a non-negotiable prerequisite for citizenship was the completion of compulsory military service and availability in the reserves. To hold public office and voting rights, you had to have skin in the game: quite literally, your own and probably your family's. In short, Athenian citizens could not afford not to care about their foreign policy.” Mandatory military service may help Canada’s military grow not only in numbers but moral support, thus proving Canada with a stronger and more united