
The Pros And Cons Of Online Dating

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Online dating is a new kind of dating way that people dating on the internet through social communicate software such as MSN, WeChat and Line. Online dating is the product of modern technology. Different with traditional dating, online dating is not limited by time and place. It happens only if there is internet and people get their mobile device terminal. This character provide convenience for people who do not want to go out for a date. Online dating has quickly become a global phenomenon, even shook and dented the status of traditional dating, challenged to traditional dating. Compare to traditional dating, online dating seems cheaper, safer and quicker, but it still in development and exists many problems at this time. And in my opinion, …show more content…

Though online dating is a new kind of dating way, it is not perfect, it has obvious downsides. For example, it is hard to evaluating potential partners only by chatting on the internet (Arthur Aron, 1). One can never guess who he is chatting with across the screen, a man or a woman, a kid or an old. As long as they never meet, they do not know each other exactly. And no matter how close they are on the Internet, they have to meet in real life to set up a romantic relationship, if not, the possibility of they become true lover would be very low (Arthur Aron, 1). For this point, traditional dating has its unique role that can never be …show more content…

First, online dating is full of untrustworthiness. When people make friends online, most of them are tend to build a better appearance for themselves. For instance, people tend to use pictures that look better than themselves as their Chat Heads to pretend they are just as pretty in real life. But unfortunately, most of time the pictures they display are more better than their real appearance. What’s more, people can only talk about the things they are good at on the internet or only tell others the things they want others know. In another word, people can control their image on the internet, it makes online dating become untrustworthy (Hancock and Toma, 1).
One of the reason why online dating is so untrustworthy is the poor regulation. It also the reason why online dating is not a healthy alternative now. All kinds of undisciplined behavior are full of internet world because of the poor regulation, false advertising, spam, unvalidated redirects and forwards can be seen everywhere on website. Some people cheat in the name of making friends. The environment of network chaos makes it hard to be sincere to people on the Internet, let alone build love

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