Telehealth Advantages And Disadvantages

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Telehealth is the use of electronic communication and information technologies to provide health care when distance separates the medical professional from the patient. It includes using equipment such as computers & other interactive multimedia for creating access between patient and the physician.
For patients –
1.With the help of Telehealth programs, we can expand access to care more patients, who are outside the care delivery system, as well as for patients in emergency situations especially in rural areas where there is a shortage of specialist health care professionals
2. For pediactric patients, anxious patients, who does not like to visit hospitals can get their check up done with live video …show more content…

Real Time Telehealth (synchronous) : It is a live, two way interaction between provider and patients using services known as “Real time”. It involves audio visual communication technology installed in a monitor sub unit which serves as in person substitution for consultative, diagnostic and treatment services.
2.Store-and-forward (asynchronous) : This method involves the transfer of already recorded medical history such as pre-recorded videos, digital images such as x-rays and photos through a secure communications system to a practitioner, usually a specialist, who uses the information to assess the case and provide proper services which is usually not available to treat in person.
3.Remote patient monitoring (RPM) : This type of service allows a provider to continue to track healthcare data for a patient once released to home or a healthcare facility, reducing readmission rates. RPM can help keep individuals stay healthy in their home and community, without having to physically go to the providers’ office. It keeps a track of the patients medical data and also transfers the tracked information from one location via electronic communication technologies, to a provider in a different location for use in care and related …show more content…

Other modalities like Teleradiology,Teleoncology,Teledermatology,Telepsychiatry,Telepathology,Teleopthomology so on so forth based upon the changing needs and requirements of the patients and providers. Telehealth technology won’t solve all health care issues, but it can be an effective tool that health care organizations should consider for their changing patient and business needs. (Pennic. J August,