Adventurer Is A Tyrant

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The ethical man is an epitome of an authentic being. According to Beauvoir, authentic man has authentically moral attitude. The ethical man doesn’t seek to oppress other people and follow the ways of a tyrant. But instead, he gives a substantial significance of generosity towards others by protecting other people from becoming an object of another’s will. The ethical man acknowledges the freedom of other people but also requires the freedom to be used properly without any misuse. Beauvoir describes an authentic man as an authentically moral attitude, but adventurer comes close to it. An adventurer comes close to an ubermensch of Nietzsche but still not authentic. The adventurer disregards the value of seriousness and nihilism. The adventurer …show more content…

Adventurer shares the nihilist disapproval for men, he believes he breaks away from the shameful condition in which those who do not imitate his pride are deteriorating. Therefore, he will sacrifice these insignificant beings to his own will for power. In the text, Hegel criticizes the adventurer to the extent that he is a tyrant or an accomplice of the oppressor. Therefore, we can conclude that the behavior of adventurer is inauthentic because he lacks care for other human beings and their …show more content…

Beauvoir states, “to exist is to make oneself a lack of being; it is to cast oneself into the world.” On contrary, sub-man confines himself from casting his own shadow in the world through original movement. Beauvoir emphasizes that although sub-man are born with eyes and ears, but they deaf and blind themselves without any love and desire. The sub-man don’t want to be alone and doesn’t care about the values. They seek for something to define themselves; rather than choosing for themselves because it easier to choose something and identify yourself with it. The sub-man searches for an identity; rather than creating for his own. Sub-man will take a shelter behind a label and identify himself with it rather than exercise his freedom and seek his identity. Therefore, anyone who wills himself free is disgusted by sub-men. Ethics is the victory of freedom over facticity, and the sub-man only feels facticity of his own