Advertisers Should Have Stricter Regulations In Their Advertising Towards Children

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Advertising is an enormous churning wheel in America. There are several different types of advertisements. At one time, the most common advertising was done in the local newspaper. Radio broadcast started in the 1920’s opening a large advertising avenue. Then came the television and by the late 1950’s most American homes had one. This brought a moving visual advertisement right into the consumer’s residence. Now, most the world is in the age of electronics. Everybody has a computer, lap-top, cell phone, tablet, or some kind of hand held device in America, and advertisers are taking advantage of the electronic age. Video games even have advertisements in them. Children are easily influenced by advertisers. Parents have no way of …show more content…

Advertisers should have stricter regulations in their advertisements directed towards children, for these reasons. First, children are easily influenced therefore advertisements should have stricter guidelines or be banned altogether. Children are influenced everyday by advertisements. From the time they are born they are influenced by not only by what they see, but by what they hear, too. Television is one of these biggest influences, because almost everyone owns one. Children watch a tremendous amount of television each day. Some children sit in front of the television for a good part of the day. In the article, “How T.V. Affects Your Child,” it states, “The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that kids under 2 years old not watch any TV and that those older than 2 watch no more than 1 to 2 hours a day of quality programming.” Most parents do not follow these guidelines, it is just too easy to place a child in front of a television set and go on about one’s business. Parents would say they are entertaining their children with television programming, but really it is like having an electronic babysitter. Furthermore, cartoons are riddled with violence. Violent programming contributes to