Affinity-Seeking Analysis

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The affinity-seeking construct “describes ways people get others to like and feel positive about them. The research is grounded in the presumption that people attempt to generate liking by using various communication strategies.” (Bell & Daly, 1984). In other words, in our efforts to develop affinity with others, we strategically try to communicate our nonverbal and verbal messages in a positive way. Therefore, we hope they will perceive it in a positive light and get a positive response in return. When we use affinity-seeking in our interpersonal communication relationships, we tend to try to set a likeable tone that would hopefully result in a closer relationship. It is a whole lot easier to converse and be able to hold a positive conversation …show more content…

I had a few repertoires that were able to help me through this situation. My personality as well my previous modeling experience were able help instead of hinder me. Since this was my first time approaching a man, I had to have a clear-cut strategy. Mainly, what I really wanted was for me to be able to ask him out on a date or at least get his number.
When I approached him, I wanted him to know we had commonalities. I started with my modeling experience; letting him know that I recently became interested in modeling as a hobby. I let him know I was not very experienced with my poses and runway walk. He was very receptive when I was voicing my concerns about modeling. He helped me and gave me constructive criticism. I felt more confident to execute the perfect runway strut. When it was time to do our GLAM Exam, the feedback he gave me helped me win a place in a major scene in GLAM’s upcoming fashion show.
Overall, the experience in trying something new was way beyond my expectations. On top of me gaining more confidence in my walk, I was able to build positive affinity with one of my group members. Due to my affinity-seeking strategies’ I was able to successfully achieve my goal in grabbing his attention and getting his phone